Compliance & Security
Address Compliance With Confidence
As practices streamline operations, they can inadvertently increase risk by changing operational structures and workflow – if they don’t have the guidance they need, that is. Scio Management Solutions can help your team take special measures to reduce data and security risks, including:
Altering workflow
Providing compliance trainings for staff and vendors
Identifying and adopting compliance management protocols
Employing non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements
Creating emergency response and disaster recovery plans

HITECH Act Compliance
At Scio, we examine all operational areas covered under the HITECH Act. From enhanced HIPAA compliance to EMR access, we ensure your organization employs careful, rigorous measures to meet the requirement of HITECH.
HIPAA privacy rules require providers to document, store, and transmit patients’ identifiable health information in a private, safe manner. This applies to both electronic information and information stored by third parties. In this regard, Scio keeps your organization protected with compliance training and refresher education sessions for current employees. We also conduct HIPAA compliance audits.
ABN Compliance
Medicare requires that patients receive the Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) when providers believe that Medicare will deny payment for services due to a lack of medical necessity. Organizations that don’t comply risk losing the ability to bill patients for elective procedures. At Scio, we incorporate alerts into our clients’ workflows to ensure Medicare patients are duly notified if they do not have preauthorization.
MSP Compliance
Medicare also requires that a Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) questionnaire be given to patients. By not establishing an alternative payer, providers risk violating their agreement with Medicare, which carries civil and criminal penalties. To address this, Scio helps our clients create actionable, effective processes to ensure proper completion of the MSP questionnaire for patients with Medicare coverage.
Utilization Review
Scio’s utilization review processes can help organizations find inappropriate submissions to Medicare, as well as rejected reimbursement and sources of inefficient care.
Our team ensures that staff members who manage this area of compliance actively communicate with medical personnel and have access to the data they need. We also work towards complete system integration and advocate for staff to monitor changes to reimbursement rules and guidelines.
General Security
For Scio clients, we protect your network and data through periodic, comprehensive safety reviews, which include evaluation of antivirus protection, email security checks, confirmation that firewalls are working, mobile device security, data loss prevention, wireless security, and web security. In addition, we prevent unauthorized physical access to secure areas by evaluating ingress and egress, and we recommend how to restrict access when necessary.

Ready To Protect Your Business?
We can help you secure your business and avoid costly compliance costs. Contact our team today.